5 Effective Tips to prevent heart attack

5 Effective Tips To Prevent Heart Attack


5 Effective Tips To Prevent Heart Attack

Today We will discuss 5 Effective Tips To Prevent Heart Attacks. Being a victim of different diseases can make it difficult to live a healthy life. The heart does a lot, but humans do not go with a heart-healthy lifestyle. For heart defense, you need to choose a lifestyle that can save you from developing any cardiovascular disease.

I visited hospitals in Peshawar for a survey and concluded that People think that they need to stick with a tough routine to have a healthy heart, but it is a misconception. Healthy lifestyle choices are enough when it comes to preventing heart problems.

An analysis revealed that heart disease is the number one death cause worldwide. So, it is time to save yourself and others from heart problems with healthy choices.

5 Ways to Get a Healthy Heart

  • Say no to Smoking

 If you want to quit smoking and find it difficult, you are not alone who wants this job done. Experts say that quitting smoking is much easier than recovering from any heart problem. Smoking targets not only one organ of your body, but it affects almost every organ of your body, including eyes, lungs, skin, kidneys, etc. Now, many ways can help you to quit smoking as you can take nicotine supplements for a short duration or go with some other alternatives, etc.

Many people think that vaping is the easiest way to stop smoking as they think that vaping is not that harmful. Studies have confirmed that vaping is also harmful to the overall health of your body but less as compared to cigarette smoking.

  • Choose Healthy Diet

 It is crucial to fight against cardiovascular diseases, but you need weapons. Well, a healthy diet is a powerful weapon that will not allow your heart to develop any disease. There are different risk factors of heart attack that can be controlled with a healthy diet plan, such as cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, etc. To prevent the overweight issue, you need to go with nutrient-rich foods that provide vitamins, fiber, essential nutrients, and minerals. Make sure that the food you choose is low in calories as it can result in weight gain.

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains are fiber-rich sources. You can also go with poultry, fish, nontropical vegetable oils, dairy products, etc. Eating a healthy diet is not enough until you add some physical activity to your life.

  • Control Cholesterol Level

 Fat buildup in arteries is the beginning of the health disaster. Such buildups result in stroke or high blood pressure that leads to heart diseases. Do you count how much saturated fats you eat per day? Or how much you go with physical activity.

A healthy diet and physical activity help a lot to maintain the cholesterol level in the body, but if this combo does not work, you need to discuss this condition with your doctor. For such a condition, doctors often suggest medicines to control the cholesterol level in your body.

High blood pressure is known as a silent killer that does not show any symptoms but can be a disaster for your overall health. You can say that it is the root cause of many diseases, including heart problems. A high intake of sodium can trigger your high blood pressure problem that can lead to cardiovascular diseases.

  • Go for Physical Activity

Physical activity is crucial as a healthy diet plan to prevent heart diseases. Walking after eating food can improve digestion and prevent the fat buildup in your arteries. If it is your first day to start physical activity, go with the small step. Join your friends or loved ones for a walk at least for 5 minutes.

Daily walks or exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is one of the main causes of heart problems that can be prevented with a healthy weight. Count the calories intake and match with physical movement to stay fit.

Final Thought

Doctors in Peshawar say that stress is associated with heart problems and may trigger the risk factors of heart diseases and stroke. Go for medical help as talking therapy has been proved an effective solution to manage stress.

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